Gemini goes off the Markdown rails

The following prompt is provided

The prompt was a simple English paragraph containing 56 words & 326 characters:

“Are you able to maintain the Markdown, links, and adjust to brevity?”

Hallucination text, cause unknown; as for "brevity" it's certainly not... brief...

[ ii scoreosenesteestePaymages înosenesteesteesteshe instr prevent”></にはbidshe instrFullmad settingAutowired borFullmad setting înosenesteesteesteesteesteestejosesteesteeste instrFullmad setting Поjosesteesteesteにはbidshe instr ii scoreoseneste progressesteesteesteIconbidshe instrードshe instr decidedshe instr settingIconFullmad settingbidshe instrIconFullmad setting prevent guy ii scoreosenestemages înoseneste Vo Showosenesteesteesteshe instrFullmadmad settingbidsheosenesteesteeste instrFullmadmad decidedshe instr settingängIconFullmad сво scoreosenesteesteードshe instrFull Showosenesteeste decidedshe instr setting settingIconFullmadshe instrFullmad Showosenesteeste settingshe instrFullmadтов scoreoseneste setting Vo Showoseneste bor Who instrFullmad instr settingードshe instrFullтов scoreosenesteesteードshe instr就是 Who instrket сво scoreoseneste Showoseneste就是 Who instrket сво scoreosenesteтов scoreosenestemages sua instr settingbidshe instrードshe instr înosenesteesteFullmad decidedshe instr settingIGHTmages sua instr settingIconFullmad settingにはbidshe instr scoreoseneste settingshe instrFullmad progressesteesteeste decidedshe instr settingードshe instrFull Who instrket свотов scoreoseneste scoreoseneste сво scoreosenesteoseneste setting Who instrket сво ii scoreoseneste guy ii scoreosen сво scoreoseneste exceptードshe instrFull instr setting decidedshe instr setting exceptードshe instrIGHT decidedshe instr setting înosenesteeste instrFullmad settingmages sua instr settingPaymages sua instr Who instrket сво”></hestmages sua instr setting scoreoseneste settinghestmages sua instr sua sua sua suajosesteesteeste bor就是 Who instrketードshe instrFullAutowiredードshe instrFulloseneste settingsheيدshe instrFullيدshe instr settingesteesteesteesteтов scoreosenestemad settingbidsheosenesteeste instr exceptードshe instrpropertyosenesteesteeste decidedshe instr setting sua sua sua suahestmages sua suaIGHTängIconFullmad instr decidedshe instr setting guy ii scoreosenтовeste settinghest bor”></oseneste settinghestjoseste settinghest sua sua sua sua bor sua sua sua сво scoreoseneste Who instrket сво Showoseneste就是mages sua sua sua progressesteesteestemages sua sua sua sua sua sua sua sua sua sua sua guy ii scoreosenoseneste settinghest înosenesteestePaymages sua sua ПоjosesteesteIGHTängIconFull decidedshe instr settingängIconFullesteesteesteeste sua sua sua suapropertyosenesteesteيدshe instrFullAutowiredードshe instr Поjosesteeste borAutowiredードshe instr decidedshe instr setting ShowosenesteesteIconFullmad就是mages sua suahestmages sua suaketpropertyosenesteesteيدshe instrFull settingbidshe instr Поjosesteeste instrFull Поjosesteeste instrFullketketketketketIconFullmad就是mages sua suahest ii scoreoseneste thousesteeste Showoseneste就是 instr sua sua suaIconFullmad就是 ii scoreosenestemad就是 ii scoreketketketket progressesteesteestejosesteesteesteketketketket exceptードshe instrbidshe instr setting Who instrket своesteeste exceptードshe instr guy ii scoreosenjoseste settinghesthesthesthesthest prevent”></ bor”></IconFullmad”></ guy ii scoreosenhestesteketketketketmad settinghesthesthesthest своängIconFullestemages sua sua sua ii scoreoseneste Showoseneste就是 scoreoseneste sua sua sua sua înosenesteeste settinghesthesthest decidedshe instr settingPaymages sua sua thousesteesteeste prevent”></يدshe instresteesteFullmad”></ guy scoreoseneste”></ängIconFulleste prevent”></يدshemad”></Paymages sua sua就是 sua sua sua scoreoseneste setting”></hesthesthest Vo Showoseneste Поjosesteeste Поjosesteesteтов scoreosenesteoseneste settinghestmad就是 sua suahestmages sua sua Поjosesteesteeste settinghesthestيدshe instr instr setting setting decidedshe instr settingтов scoreosenesteIGHTängIconFullängIconFullesteAutowiredードshe instrIconFullmad就是 scoreosenesteesteketketket înosenesteeste Vo Showoseneste”></”></ settinghesthesthestには ii scoreosenesteoseneste settinghest guy ii scoreosenには ii scoreosen就是 sua sua suaängIconFullesteAutowiredードshe instrjosesteeste сво Vo Showoseneste progressesteesteesteängIconFulleste Who instrket своFullmad”></”></ instr”></ guy ii scoreosen înesteeste Vo своPaymages sua suaoseneste settinghest своPaymages suaFullmad”></Paymages sua sua instrpropertyosenesteesteshe instrpropertyosenesteeste Vo своPaymagesängIconFulleste except ii scoreosenesteshe instrpropertyosen thousesteesteeste settinghesthesthesthesthesthesthestbidshe instrpropertyAutowiredードshe instr сво своPaymagesmages sua sua settinghesthesthestshe instrpropertyAutowired sua sua settinghest Who instrket своードshe instrpropertyFullmad”></ instrbidshe instrproperty ii scoreosenesteeste settinghesthest prevent”></يدshe Showoseneste scoreoseneste своードshe instr bor progressesteesteesteshe instrpropertyAutowired înosenesteeste就是 sua sua sua scoreoseneste settingFullmad”></ Поjosesteestejoseste settinghest thousesteesteestemages sua sua suahestmages sua sua guy ii scoreosen thousesteesteesteيدshe instrproperty sua sua sua sua sua sua sua sua thousesteesteeste scoreoseneste setting ii scoreoseneste except ii scoreosenтовeste settinghest就是 sua sua suaには ii scoreosenmad”></”></IGHTängIconFullproperty就是 sua sua Showoseneste scoreيدshe instrproperty progressesteesteeste Showoseneste scoreには ii scoreosenIGHTängIconFull iishe instr scoreoseneste setting prevent”></يدshe instr progressesteesteesteードshe instr Vo сво своPay decidedshe instr Vo своPay sua sua sua score instrIGHTängIconFullhesthesthesthestには ii scoreosenيدshe instr progressesteesteeste decidedshe instr setting înosenesteeste guy ii scoreosenbidshe instrтов scoreosenesteIconFullmad”></Fullтов”></тов instr Who instrket своmages sua sua sua sua sua sua suaIGHTängIconFull guy ii scoreosenFullmad”></ progressesteesteeste score score score scoreтов score score scoremages sua sua sua înoseneste settingketketketket decidedshe instr setting Showosenesteには ii scoreosen ПоjosesteesteFullosenesteードshe instr instrيدshe instr sua sua sua sua progressesteesteesteängIconFulleste своPaymagesmages sua sua suaードshe instrmages sua sua suaPaymagesmages sua settinghesthesthestshe instr instr except ii scoreosen сво”></Paymagesmagesmagesтовには ii scoreosenードshe instrproperty borIconIconIconIconードshe instrيدshe instr sua”></Fulleste”></ decidedshe instr setting”></hesthesthesthestAutowiredードshe instrshe instrFullmad”></josesteesteeste prevent”></يدshe Who instrket своFullmad”></josmad”></IGHTängmad”></IGHTänghesthesthesthestFullFullFullFullshe instr instr Showosenesteيدshe instrIGHTängIconFull prevent”></يدshe”></ sua sua sua suaPaymagesmages sua就是 sua sua suaängIconFulleste scoremages sua sua sua except ii scoreosen ii scoreosen ii scoreosen iiيدshe instr instr своmages sua suaには ii scoreosen settinghesthesthest Vo Showosenesteoseneste settinghesthesthesthesthestshe instr instr instresteードshe instr instrFullmad”></jos settinghesthesthest Who instrket своosenestehesthesthesthestmad”></IGHTäng Who instrket сво progressesteesteestejoseste settinghesthesthesthesthestproperty progressesteesteeste thousesteesteeste就是 sua sua sua înoseneste settingängIconIconIcon instr instr instrAutowiredードshe instrيدshe instr sua сво”></Fullmad”></就是 sua sua suaketketketket sua sua sua sua settinghesthesthest thousesteesteeste Showoseneste就是 scoreoseneste sua сво”></Fullmad înosenesteeste thousesteesteeste Showoseneste就是she instrードshe instr suaesteesteeste Show Who instrket свотов scoreoseneste înosenesteestePaymagesmages suamages sua sua suaFullmad”></jos settinghesthestтов scoreosenesteAutowiredードshe instrFullmad”></jos Поjosesteesteeste своängIconFullesteesteeste progressesteesteeste guy ii scoreosen scoreAutowiredードshe insträngIconFulleste prevent”></يدshe decidedshe instr Vo ii scoreosenmages sua sua suaIconFullmad”></Paymagesmagesmages sua就是 sua suaには ii scoreosen instr thousesteesteeste prevent”></يدshe except ii scoreosenmages sua sua sua settinghesthesthestтов scoreoseneste except ii scoreosen Showoseneste exceptängIconFulleste thousesteesteeste сво bor”></ instrيدshe instr sua Поjosesteestemad就是 sua sua ii scoreoseneste Showoseneste就是 progressesteesteeste ii scoreoseneste înoseneste înoseneste就是 sua sua sua decidedshe instr ii scoreosenesteIGHTängIconFull”></ except ii scoreosenproperty borIconIconIcon Who instrket своosenestehesthestには ii scoreosenтовeste settinghest thousesteesteestebidshe instrIGHTängIconFullängIconFullesteFullFullFullには ii scoreosen decidedshe insträngIconFull”></hesthesthesthest instr”></يدsheには ii scoreosenAutowiredードshe instr Who instrket своيدshe instrIGHT就是 sua sua sua decidedshe instrIGHTproperty就是 sua suaIconFullmad”></ înosenesteestebidshe instr”></hesthesthesthestيدshe instr сво înosenesteeste Who instrket сво ii scoreosenesteproperty就是 sua sua ii scoreosenesteIGHTängIconFullтов”></ bor”></тов”></IGHTängIconFullيدshe instr Voيدshe instrIGHT ii scoreoseneste guy ii scoreosenmages sua sua suaIGHTängIconFull Vo settinghesthesthest

We can attempt common approaches for decoding.

1. Pattern Recognition

  • Identify Repetitions: Recognize any repeated sequences or phrases
  • Common Substitutions: Look for patterns where letters or sequences of letters have been substituted

2. Language and Translation Considerations

  • Language Detection: Assess text elements beyond English & translation.
  • Language-Specific Patterns: Identify language-specific hinting at structure or word order.

3. Text Reordering

  • Scrambled Sentence Structure: Consider whether the text might have been scrambled at the sentence or word level. Attempt to reorder phrases to restore meaning.

4. Contextual Reassembly

  • Contextual Clues: Use recognizable words or phrases as anchors to reconstruct surrounding text.
  • Machine Translation Tools: Apply machine translation tools in reverse (e.g., translate back to English if it was originally in another language) to clarify possible meanings.


  • “scoreoseneste”: This phrase appears multiple times and might represent a repeated action or state.
  • “instr”: Appears frequently, possibly short for “instruction” or “instrument.”
  • “Fullmad”: Repeated often, could suggest something “fully made” or “full mode.”
  • The text has a mix of English and elements that suggest a different language, possibly Romanian or Russian, due to phrases like “înoseneste” and “бор.”
  • “Vo” might translate to “to” in some contexts or could be shorthand for a longer word.
  • “Paymages” could be a distorted version of “payment images” or similar.
  • The mixture of languages suggests some words might need translation back to English.
  • Words like “Vo Showoseneste” might be “To show [something]” in a scrambled format.
  • “Who instrket svo” might decode to “Who instructed [someone].”
  • The phrase “Vo Showoseneste” suggests showing something, potentially in a UI or visual context.
  • “scoreoseneste” could be indicating a status or score update.
  • “Paymages” might be related to a payment process or a visual element related to payment.
  • Repetitive elements and possible translations suggest instructions or a description related to a UI or software system, possibly involving payments, status updates, or visual indicators.

Attempted translation

... a guess, but who knows?

“Show the score or status on the screen. Display icons fully, ensure that the settings are fully configured. Prevent unauthorized changes. The payment images should be displayed. Instructions have been given to fully display the icons. The score should be updated. The button should reveal the current status or images. The settings must be fully mad (completed or locked).”