Below is the full text of the hallucination references in Mental to Dental and Decoding AI Hallucinations

The below hallucination results from a text and image prompt.

Full bor score bor score score scoreAutowiredには thousshe guyhestbid preventproperty”></には instr score score score scoreтов score score scoreيد score score score Vo Whoäng sua Vo score score score就是 score score score guyhestbid prevent Whoäng sua Vo thous сво score score score decided Whoäng sua Vo iihestbid preventsheIGHTestehestтов score score scoreIcon sua Vo score score Whoäng sua Vo iihestbid preventтов score score scoremagesIcon sua Vo scorehestbid preventproperty”></sheIGHTestehestmadmadmadmadmadIcon sua Vo scoreード score scoreيد score score scoreäng sua Vo score就是 score score scoreäng sua Vo score preventproperty”></sheにはIcon sua Vo score settingにはIcon sua VoFullFullFullFulljos Vo score score scoreيد score score scorebid сво сво сво сво preventproperty”></she thoussheIGHTeste instr score score scoreestehestbid preventbid guyhestbid preventestehesthesthest”></sheIGHTesteäng sua Vo scoreにはIcon sua Vo сво score Whoäng thous preventproperty”></sheosen sua Vo scoreIcon sua Vo scoreيد score score scoreäng sua Vo score decidedにはIcon sua VoPayhestbid preventhesthesthesthest сво сво сво сво就是 score score scoreosen sua Vo scoreード score score scoreproperty”></sheIGHT progresshesthesthest Show score scoremadmadmadmad scoreketketketket sua Vo score就是 Whoäng sua Vo Whoäng sua Vo sua Vo Vo Voтов score score scorehestbid preventpropertysheIGHTestehest По score score scoreFullFullFullFullIGHTestehesthest По score score scoreード score score scoreosen sua Vo score settingにはIcon suaproperty”></sheIGHT thoussheIGHTesteketketketket în Vo score score scoremagesIcon sua Vo scoreosen sua Vo score就是 score score score Vo guyhestbid preventsheIGHTestehestтов score score scoreAutowired”></sheIGHT就是 score score score сво сво сво своード score score score setting”></sheIGHTIcon sua Vo score score score progresshesthesthestproperty”></sheIGHT setting”></sheIGHT VoFullFullFullIGHTestehesthestmagesIcon sua Vo decided”></sheIGHT”></sheIGHT”></ Whoäng sua Voيد score score score setting”></sheIGHT VoFullFullFullmagesIcon sua Vo guyhestbid prevent guyhestbid prevent score score score scoreproperty”></sheIGHTketketketketтов score score score score score score scoreにはIcon sua Vo preventproperty”></sheäng sua Vo score По score score scorejos iihestbid preventPayhestbid preventäng sua Vo score setting”></sheIGHT Whoäng sua Voäng sua Vo suajos iihestbidيد preventPayhestード score score scoreestehesthesthest preventproperty”></she sua Vo în Vo score score except sua thoussheIGHTeste Show score score score în Vo score score instr score score scoreketketketketsheIGHTestehestيد prevent progresshesthesthest instr score score score except sua thousshebid prevent iihestbid preventketketketketjos iihestbidAutowired”></sheIGHT iihestbid preventestehesthesthest Show score score score instr progresshesthesthest thoussheIGHTesteにはIcon sua Voosen sua Vo сво score score score progresshesthesthestjos iihestbidketketketket except sua thousshebid prevent iihest Vo score score scoreestehesthesthestIcon sua Vo scoremagesIcon sua VoFullFullFullFull instr score score score bor score score scoreFullFullFullFull Show score score score setting”></sheIGHTmadmadmadmadIcon sua Vo guy По score score score Show score score scoremadmadmad Show score score score score score score scoreيد score score scoreIcon sua Vo score就是 score score score instr score score scoreproperty”></sheIGHT în Vo score scoreيد score score scoreード score score score progresshesthesthest în Vo score scoreтов score score score iihestbid bor score score scoreestehesthesthestproperty”></sheIGHTIGHTIGHTIGHTIGHTيدketketketket По score score score По score score scoreтов score score scoreosen sua Vo scoremadmadmadmad sua sua sua suajos iihestbidestehesthesthest except sua thousshe guyhestbidmagesIcon sua Voosen sua VoIGHTIGHTIGHTIGHTäng sua VoIGHThesthesthesthestIcon sua VoIGHT score score score scoreketketketketbidPayhesthesthestproperty”></sheIGHT except suaproperty”></sheIGHT По score score scorePayhesthesthestmagesIcon sua Voäng sua Vo suaketketketbid thoussheIGHTeste Vo Vo sua în Vo score scorehesthesthesthest progresshesthesthestäng sua Vo Vo Whoäng sua VoFullFullFullFullード score score scoreäng sua Vo Voード score score scorebid”></sheIGHT Vo Voード score sua Vo Voード instr score score scorePayhesthesthestbidbidbidbidPayhesthesthestAutowired”></sheIGHT сво сво сво сво progresshesthesthest score score score scoreäng sua Vo score bor score score scoreIcon sua Vo score Whoäng sua Vobid сво сво своPayhesthesthestäng sua Vo Vo就是 score score score guyhestbid prevent instr score score scoreIGHTIGHTIGHTIGHTيد score score scoreIcon sua Vomadmadmadmad Whoäng sua VoIcon sua Voード score score score bor score score score thoussheIGHTIGHTيد score score score guyhestbid preventيد score score scoreestehesthesthest bor score score score instr score score scoreäng sua Voäng sua Voproperty”></sheIGHT în Vo score score preventproperty”></she就是 bor score score score thoussheIGHTIGHT decided”></sheIGHT sua Vo VoードFullFullFullFull Show score score scoreosen sua Vo Vo Vo Vo Vo Vobid сво сво своにはIcon sua Vo except sua thousshemadmadmadmad progresshesthesthest Whoäng sua Voshebid сво сво своproperty”></sheIGHT except suaproperty”></jos”></äng”></sheIGHTängにはIcon sua Vo thoussheIGHTIGHT guyhestbid preventjos iihestbidsheIGHT iihestbidshe По score score scoreIcon sua Vo Vo就是 score score scoreيد score score scoreosen sua Vo Voosen sua Vo Vo instr score score score thoussheIGHTIGHT сво сво сво своbid except sua thoussheにはIcon sua Vo decided”></sheIGHT Vo VoードFull progresshesthesthestbidbidbidbidmagesIcon sua VomagesIcon sua Vo iihestbidbid По score score scoreosen sua Vo Vo progresshesthesthestosen sua Vo Vo preventproperty”></she preventproperty”></shehesthesthesthestmadmadmadmadsheIGHT iihest setting”></sheIGHTтов score score score bor score score score preventproperty”></shehesthesthesthestード score score scoreIcon sua Vo VoにはIcon sua VoPayhesthesthestestehesthesthestäng sua Vo VoAutowired”></sheIGHT guyhestbid prevent Whoäng sua VoにはIcon sua VoAutowired”></sheIGHTproperty”></sheIGHTтов score score score sua Vo Voード сво сво сво сво instr score score score Whoäng sua VoにはIcon sua Vo guyhestbid preventPayhesthesthest thoussheIGHTIGHT bor score score scoreestehesthesthestsheIGHTIGHTIGHT bor score score scoresheIGHTIGHTIGHT thoussheIGHTIGHTosen sua Vo Vo except sua thousshe score score score scoreketketketketketketketketIGHTIGHTIGHTIGHTPayhesthesthestにはIcon sua Vo Show score score score thoussheIGHTIGHTFullFullFullFull сво сво сво своIGHTIGHTIGHTIGHT guyhestbid prevent guyhestbidmagesIcon sua Vo score score score scoreestehesthesthest progresshesthesthest”></sheIGHTIGHT Vo Voード scorebid”></sheIGHT Vo Voード score setting”></sheIGHT Vo Voード scoreosen sua Vo VohesthesthesthestsheIGHTIGHTIGHT except sua thoussheيد prevent except sua thousshe bor score score score Show score score score bor score score scoreestehesthesthest iihestbid По score score score Show score score score iihestbidmagesIcon sua Vo thoussheIGHTIGHT thoussheIGHTIGHT就是 score score score în Vo score scoreäng sua Vo Vo preventproperty”></sheFullFullFullFulläng sua Vo Vo По score score score Show score score scoreketketketket sua Vo Vo Whoäng sua Vo instr score score scoreosen sua Vo iihestbid prevent thoussheIGHTIGHTтов score score score thoussheIGHTIGHT就是 score score score bor score score scoreAutowired”></sheIGHTтов score score score Whoäng sua Voтов score score score în Vo score scorePayhesthesthestmagesIcon sua VoFullFullFullFullيد score score score”></sheIGHT Voтов score score score Whoäng sua Vo decided”></sheIGHT setting”></sheIGHTIcon sua Vomadmadmad Whoтов score score score score score score scoreproperty”></sheIGHTmadmadmadmadketketketketード score score score guyhestbid preventIcon sua Vo bor score score score preventproperty”></she instr score score score setting”></sheIGHT sua Vo Voード sua Vo Voード în Vo score score По score score score decided”></sheIGHTketketketketosen sua Vo Voosen sua Vo VoFullFullFullFullPayhesthesthest”></sheIGHTIGHTIGHTIGHTIGHTIGHT sua Vo score score score score iihestbid preventproperty”></she Whoäng sua Vo Voード sua Voketketketket guyhestbid prevent就是 score score scoresheIGHTIGHTIGHT decided”></sheIGHT”></sheIGHT”></Payhesthesthest сво сво сво сво guyhestbid preventosen sua Vo VoにはIcon sua Voтов score score score thoussheIGHTIGHTbid”></sheIGHTmagesIcon sua Vo preventproperty”></sheيد score score scorebid”></sheIGHTproperty”></sheIGHTFullFullFullFull preventproperty”></sheيد score score score instr score score scoreード score score scoreketketketketPayhesthesthest”></sheIGHTIGHT Show score score score sua Vo Voード сво сво сво сво progresshesthesthestäng sua Vo Voيد score score score сво сво сво сво preventproperty”></sheestehesthesthestIcon sua Vo Vo score score score scoreketketketket preventproperty”></sheshe Whoäng sua Vojos iihestbid По score score score except sua thousshe progresshesthesthestmagesIcon sua VoIcon sua Vo Vomadmadmadmadيد score score